Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Living Life on the Edge with the Auto Taxi

 Typical transportation here in Hyderabad is by bus, car, motorcycle, and, as you can see in the pics, the "Auto." If we want to get around town we either run to catch a bus (yes, the bus doesn't stop, so you literally need to run) or we take the yellow, golf-cart-sized, three-wheeled taxi with handle bars. And by the way, every ride is like the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland. The everyday traffic is like a stampede and it is a miracle every time we get out alive. So we're screaming because we almost get squished between a giant bus and a wall, but its just everyday stuff for an auto driver.

So today we took our auto ride to a local NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) who was interested in implementing the Soilet concept at a rural Community Science Center. This will be the prototype for all of the Soilets we will build in India, and hopefully may become a prototype for all of India. So we're not getting dirty quite yet, as we need to work out all the details so this magic toilet system works the first time we build it. It helps that this NGO is led by a dreamer and an innovator who isn't content with the status quo. These are the type of people it takes to change the world. Yes that's right... Saving the world one toilet at a time... 

1 comment:

  1. sean so good to see you are safe keep the posts coming...melissa nice to see you as well
